ABOUT THE VIEWER CD =================== This CD contains: * The CorelXARA graphic file viewer for viewing CorelXARA files and a very wide range of other files types including Corel CDR files and bitmap files. A selection of clipart is included on this CD and can be easily loaded (see below). This program can also be used to view libraries of picture files and preview, install and de-install TrueType fonts. * A multi-media demonstration of the full CorelXARA graphics program. Sit back and let us show you what CorelXARA can do (loading instructions below). * On-line details and information about the CorelXARA program. Minimum hardware requirements ============================= The CorelXARA Viewer requires a 486 or better, and at least 8MB of RAM. We recommend a large amount of virtual memory (20MB or better). It runs on Windows 3.1, Workgroups 3.11, Windows NT 3.5 and 3.51 and Windows 95. It does not run on Windows 3.0. Getting started: ---------------- Windows 3.1: In Program manager, Choose Run... from the File menu. Type x:\setup into the Command line field (where 'x' should be replaced by the drive letter of your CD ROM drive), and press OK. If you want to view the multi-media demonstration you also have to install Video for Windows. To install Video for Windows run SETUP.EXE in the VFW\DISK1 directory on this CD (follow the above instructions but type x:\VFW\DISK1\SETUP (replacing 'x' with your CD ROM drive letter). Note that Video for Windows does not need to be installed for Windows 95 or Windows NT - it is built in. Windows 95: Click on the Start button on the taskbar, select Run... and type x:\setup into the Open field (where 'x' should be replaced by the drive letter of your CD ROM drive). Click OK. For more information on installation see INSTALL.TXT. If you are running Windows 3.x you may need to install Win32s (the Microsoft extensions that allow 32 bit programs to run on 16 bit Windows). SETUP will tell you if Win32s is not already installed. To install Win32s run SETUP.EXE in the Win32s directory on this CD (follow the above instructions but type x:\WIN32S\SETUP (replacing 'x' with your CD ROM drive letter)). Warning: Wait until the installer says 'Installation complete' before running the viewer. This viewer will run on, and take advantage of, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Occasionally when trying to install, the installer will say that the script file is corrupted. Simply run SETUP.EXE again and it should proceed normally. If the problem persists, try restarting Windows, then installing. Loading clipart - either use the Clipart gallery in Viewer (click the Clipart gallery icon) or load the files directly from a File Manager window. The clipart on this CD is in the Clipart directory. To run the multi-media demonstration of CorelXARA - 1. Double-click the 'CorelXARA Demo' icon in program manager (or Choose the item 'CorelXARA Demo' from the Programs section of the Start menu if using Windows 95). 2. When the Help file appears, click the button under the CorelXARA logo to run the demo. CDR loading problems ==================== Because this viewer was created from an early pre-release version of CorelXARA, the CDR loading is still incomplete, and some Corel Draw objects may not be imported properly (such as text along a curve, for example). ---- 3rd January 1996 Xara Ltd Corel Corporation Gaddesden Place 1600 Carling Ave. Hemel Hempstead Ottawa, Herts HP2 6EX Ontario, UK CANADA K1Z 8R7 http://www.xara.com http://www.corel.com Tel: (+44) 1442 350000 Fax: (+44) 1442 350010